Wednesday, March 4, 2020

What's to Say?

Backlighting from the windows made for a tough photo, but that's from left, CT Blogger and Captain with Pogy standing behind him. I'm holding up one of the soft pretzel logs we had as an appetizer. Excellent!

Polar Bear Motorcycle Blog, Polar Bear Grand Tour, ride to Long Valley Pub & Brewery, Long Valley, NY, March 1

By: Chris Loynd
Photos By: Bernie Walsh and Unknown

We had a pretty small turnout from Connecticut this Sunday. Just me and Captain starting out. We picked up Pogy in Darien along the way. I led.

Except for a few inconsiderate drivers, we had a pretty smooth ride over and back. It's a bit of a luxury to lead only two bikes. We made more frequent lane changes. It was easier to slip in and out of traffic.

I was bounced around by the wind in a few places, especially on that big bridge on I-287, you know, the one with the sign "subject to crosswinds."

Nevertheless, we got to Long Valley in good order, made good time, one of the first, but not THE first, to arrive.

Long Valley had a special Polar Bear menu and the food was excellent, the service fast enough to please even the Captain.

Our ride home was pretty uneventful too, just the usual Connecticut I-95 guff.

So there's not much to say in the blog. My pictures are weak because Grumpy is Daytona bound. Fortunately, I was able to grab some good ones off of the Grand Tour Facebook post.

See you next week.

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