Sunday, January 24, 2016


Lake Hoptacong riders, from left: Princess, Captain, Pogy, Token2.
Motorcycle Polar Bear Blog, ride to Upstream Grill, Lake Hoptacong, NJ, January 17, 2016.

Editor's Note:  Battling a heavy-duty cold, and thinking riding in the rain would make it worse, I skipped the ride to Lago in North Brunswick. Token2 offered the summary below. Chris Loynd.

By: John Howard, a.k.a. Token2

The ride out to Lake Hopatcong is only around 100 miles but with EDP in full effect departure was set for 9am. Of course the ying to the yang of early departure is early arrival and as I left home to meet the group the GPS predicted an arrival of 10.48 am. EDP certainly relieves the pressure to roll on the throttle which was truly beneficial today. Conditions were appalling, heavy rain, water ponding on road surfaces  with blankets of mist and fog descending at times. The silver lining, temperatures started at 50°F and topped out at 60°F.

We were few in number; Capt rode solo to Norwalk picking up Pogy and then T2 in Westchester, where Token 2 took up the lead. CT Blogger unexpectedly bailed out on this ride. At lunch vicious rumors began to circulate that the founding CT Bear had  contracted hydrophobia. They were quickly squashed by The Captain, who confirmed a different medical affliction was the cause of Mr. Loynd’s absence.

Princess decided  to go solo to shorten her ride, which was sensible given the dismal conditions, aiming to meet up at the Upstream Grill. Without the protection of her customary honor guard of outriders it seems she decided to ride in cognito, donning everyday rain gear and yet another new helmet, this one unadorned with bling. It would of course be wrong for Royalty to knowingly mix with commoners, so on reflection her actions were prudent.

Given the conditions the riders originating from CT held a modest pace of around 55mph travelling I287, I80 to Rt 15N. Traffic was mercifully light. The only slow down occurred about 2 miles north of the I80 exit due to a pickup truck that had rolled over. NJ Troopers were in attendance leaving only the inside lane open. Fortunately, it looked like the driver was unharmed from the accident as he was standing next to the vehicle. Truth be told he didn’t look like the sharpest knife in the drawer and was probably approaching brain death before he got behind the wheel.

It was remarkable how many cars were driving at speed with no {expletive deleted} lights on. Good grief what are these people thinking? Silly me, they aren’t thinking. They probably say the same about guys and gals on motorcycles.

We arrived at the destination around 11 am and were the #4,5 &6 bikes on the lot. Let it be known that Joanne was bike #3 and was on the only Harley present at the time. There we not many bikes in the lot at Noon, though attendance by car was decent.

Evidently Captain’s Wing really liked the riding conditions, on arrival it decided take an unauthorized stroll  by starting to roll off the side stand. Capt’s cries for assistance were matched by quick action from T2 (self-preservation so as not to be pinned between Capt’s and Pogy’s Wings) and Pogy (preservation of his Wing,  so the only scratch on it remains the one delivered by Mac a year or two ago).  It is a relief to report that the grubby white Wing stayed upright.  Pogy gave Capt a stiff MSF lecture about ‘always, always, ALWAYS put your bike in gear when parking’; only when the rained started to pour again did Pogy’s harangue subside.

We were so early the staff at the Grill wiped the sleep from their eyes  before advising us that this year there was a $10 buffet for the Bears that would open at 11.30 am. It was a good spread. Princess liked it. Don’t be fooled by the salad camouflage artfully placed over the mound of penne vodka; chili; sausage, pepper and onions. I think there was a chicken wing or two hiding under there as well. Joanne picked up the lunch tab (thank you!) but I advised her that buying lunch would have no bearing on documenting her plated lunch in the ride report.

While lunching Pogy had a wardrobe question (as one often does at lunch) relating to the purpose of the rear zipper on his riding pants. It was clear quick resolution was warranted before he went to the bathroom in order to avoid a potentially life changing misunderstanding. Demonstration of the ability to zip it to the corresponding zip in a riding jacket brought relief to all. Suggestions that my jacket be zipped to his pants, with us in them,  to create a kind of grotesque CTPB Siamese Twin were deftly side stepped. It was the second wardrobe revelation of the day for Pogy; prior to riding he was delighted to find a riding hood sewn into his FirstGear Jacket. A good find on this wettest of days.

Not to be left out of the wardrobe discussion Princess declared she was not wearing pants. Overcoming the effects of nearly choking on a bite of burger it seemed to all assembled that she did in fact have pants on. This is a family blog so the details Joanne added in explanation cannot be reproduced here. We also learned she is a massage therapist. Hmm, Joanne, the weekend Princess….definitely a CTPB keeper…anyone care to second that?

With lighter rain forecast for the return ride the CTPB’s once again had the pleasure of royal company. The sun even came out for a fleeting ‘hello’ before being quickly pushed aside by dark clouds and more rain. The ride north was uneventful, though we witnessed another couple of cars spun out.

We pulled in for an early stop at the top of the GSP. Over coffee and chocolate it was astonishing to listen to Princess and Captain converse. What became apparent is that Princess really is from Venus and clearly a Martian cannot understand a word of Venetian. A single, seemingly simple question and equally straight forward answer evolved into a 5 minute back and forth. I must remember to bring a Babel Fish on next week’s ride, it should be helpful to those in the group who are not multilingual.

Still no sign of ‘Old Glory’ on the cranes at the Tappan Zee II bridge construction. Can it be that Pogy is losing his pull? At least we could see the top of the cranes on the way home.

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